Taxis and Bus Services
There are taxis assigned to the village of Benahavis – Taxi Benahavis
Some people in the village also do airport runs or taxi services though, so check around.
Ask for the price before to your destination and you will get a fixed price with no surprises:
Taxi Benahavis
Calle Fuente del Espanto, 0 S/N,
29679 Benahavís, Málaga i
Bus Services
The busstop is at the entrance of the village on the left.
Benahavis – San Pedro ⬇️

🚎 Bus routes Benahavis – San Pedro de Alcantara ⬇️
Airport bus 🚌
There is a cheap direct bus service from the Marbella bus station to the Malaga airport which will get you there in 45 minutes (between 6 and 8 euros depending on the time, 1 euro extra with avanzabus online, but then you are certain to have a seat).
The busstop at Malaga airport is 20m to the right when you come out of the arrivals.
Times (please check just in case): avanzabus online.
Marbella Bus Station – Malaga airport:
07.15, 8.15, 09.15, 10.15, 11.30, 13.15, 15.15, 15.30, 17.00, 19.15, 21.15
Malaga airport – Marbella:
08.15, 10.15, 11.30, 12.00, 12.30, 14.15, 16.15, 18.00, 20.15, 22.30