Empadronamiento – Census
Registration in the Benahavis Census (Empadronamiento)
Spanish Residence
The Empadronamiento is the process of registering with the town hall as a resident of Benahavís.
The process is straightforward and does not require you to become a resident in Spain.
There is no charge, the information is confidential and there are no tax implications involved.
Through registering, you will have (if you are a citizen of the European Union), among other advantages, the right to vote in the local and European elections.
It is also important for everyone to register in order that Benahavís receives the correct amount of funds to run, maintain and improve the infrastructure, as the funding increase and government help are directly related to the number of registered voters.
It is in the community’s best interest that central government funding is at a level which reflects the growing population of Benahavís, as these increased resources will be available to improve schools, medical, postal, sports and other facilities.
In addition, being a registered citizen of Benahavís, you can enjoy all the facilities offered by our town hall, such as special rates for practising sports, sponsored trips for kids and adults, free text books, etc.
An easy procedure
Where – visit the Town Hall/Ayuntamiento.
When – 09:00 – 13:30 Monday to Friday
Please bring – do not forget to bring the following documents:
1.- The original document (to be copied) identifying the applicants such as NIE, passport or residents card.
2.- The original document (to be copied) identifying the propertys such as the Escritura (title deeds), proof of ownership or long term contract or a utility bill (water, electricity or telephone)
In addition for a rented property – the rental agreement (to be copied)
For non-EU citizens, you’ll have to renew every TWO years.
The document printed out is valid for 3 months and must be when used up to date.
Application form to request the registration in the Municipal Roll of Inhabitants of Benahavis. You can just print this out and take it to the townhall.
Printable Document (in Spanish):
Handy translations for filling in the form you will get in the Town hall:
Apellido : surname
Nombre : first name
Fecha de nacimiento : date of birth
Municipio o pais de nacimiento : country where you were born
Who can request it?
Any citizen who resides within Benahavis’s municipal term. If throughout the year that person also resides within any other municipality, he shall be registered wherever he resides for a longer period of time during that year.
– Registration form, filled in and signed.
– Document acknowledging the identity of people who are registering:
a) For Spanish nationals or citizens coming from the European Union, they must enclose one of the following documents:
– DNI or National Document of Identification from the country of origin.
– Passport in force.
– Foreigner card in force.
– Driver’s License.
– Family book if under 15 years old.
b) For the rest of citizens coming from abroad (including minors):
– Valid Passport
– Valid Foreigner Card
If there is already somebody registered in that housing, it is enough with the signature on the registration leaf of a person of age who is already registered in it, as well as a photocopy of his identity card; otherwise, please enclose any of the following documents that acknowledge the occupation of the housing:
a) If the housing is owned by any of the people who are registering they must enclose any of the following documents:
– Title deed of the house or Property Tax receipt addressed to one of the persons who are registering.
– A contract with a supply company (Endesa, Emasa, Gas natural, Telefónica o Aunacable) in which that person figures as the owner and the house that is object of the registration as the address object of the supply services. If the contract is not up to date, then you must present a recent bill.
b) If the house is rented:
– Tenancy agreement.
– Photocopy of landlord’s DNI (National Document of Identity) if he is a natural person or CIF (Fiscal Identification Code) if the landlord is a corporate body.
– If the landlord is not one of the persons who are going to register, it must also be enclosed a declaration where the landlord authorizes the register, as well as a photocopy of his IdentityCard.
c) Otherwise:
– A declaration of the owner of the house authorizing the residence and the registration of the people who are about to register.
– Photocopy of the owner’s Identity Card.
– Any documents marked in paragraph “a”, acknowledging the ownership of the house.
d) Receipts from Banks, mobiles, Digital TV or similar are not valid.
Under aged registration
– Declaration of the two parents authorizing the registration of the under aged person.
– Photocopy of the parent’s identification card.
– In case of separation or divorce, document that acknowledges the protection and custody in favour of one of the spouses.
In case of rectification or documents update, a document acknowledgement of the right information.
Together with the form you must also attach photocopies of the required documents.
Procedure :
At any time, at the townhall, groundfloor.
Once the documentation has been verified the information will be introduced into the Municipal Roll of Inhabitants.
The presentation of the completed document at your Town Hall implies your consent to update the Electoral Census according to the information provided.